Saturday, January 15, 2011

Survival Test - Day 7 of 15

Ahhh!  We got up at 9am.  Isaac actually woke up at 6:30am, but we went back to sleep.  This morning was a scramble.  I basically threw on our swimming suits, clothes, and headed out to class.  No time for breakfast.  I just gave Isaac some mommy milk before we left the house so that he wouldn't starve.

We got into the pool 5 minutes before class started.  Class was pretty good.  Isaac blew bubbles to show Auntie K.  After class, I changed Isaac and put him into G's stroller.  He snacked while I got changed.  We left the pool at 10:17am.

When we got home, I gave Isaac a bath, and fed him breakfast.  Now it's my turn to take a shower.  Hopefully Elmo's World will keep Isaac entertained for a little.  He checked on me once after he heard the hair dryer turned off.  I ate some left-over pasta.  Then did the laundry from swimming.  Just going to start the dryer before we head out to walk around Value Village.  We didn't end up buying anything, but I was able to donate an old sweater and some megablocks.

I tried to put the boy down for a nap at 2pm, but he wouldn't sleep so I gave him lunch at 2:30pm and tried again afterwards.  He finally fell asleep at 3:45pm.

He got up from his nap at 5:15pm.  We played for a bit, then M&L came with sushi for dinner.  Isaac had butternut squash, salmon, some avocado, and a few bites of chopped scallop.  He played with M&L for over 1.5 hours mostly with lego, messed with some magnets, got some basket rides, played with some power drill/saw toys, showed his squirrel art and craft, and fed alfredo.

I started his bedtime routine at a bit after 8:30pm.  Got him into his crib at 9:20pm.  I can hear him pressing the buttons on his aquarium.  Asleep at 10pm.

One week down, one week to go before Daddy comes back home.

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