Saturday, January 22, 2011

Survival Test - Day 14 of 15

Isaac got up at 7:14am... I tried putting him on the potty but he didn't have to go. I went back to bed and got up at 8:00am. He wanted me to play with him but I told I wasn't getting up until 8, so he could play by himself or go to his crib. He pretty much left me alone for a bit.

After I got up, we played Lego for 0.5 hours. I made some rice and fed him breakfast. Put him on the potty and got ready for swimming. When we got to the pool, there were lots of parking spots... I looked at the clock and we're almost late. By the time we got changed and into the pool, the class was already started.

Class was good. Isaac was blowing lots of bubbles, splashing the water and got his ears dipped. We left the parking lot at 10:17am. Got home, gave Isaac a bath, took a shower while he watched Word World. Made some veggies now it's time for lunch. Annoyed my safari window crashed and I have to retype my blog entry!

Isaac had yogurt, pieces of mandarin, apple juice, pieces of an english muffin with beef dip and some veggies (broccoli and cauliflower). After Isaac ate, I had my turn. He asked for some "nye-nye", but I told him I wanted to finish my "mum-mum" first. I turned the tv onto a skiing show but he didn't want to watch it so he went to play with his lego. Every so often, he would come to check if I still had food in my bowl. When I finished eating, I gave him milk and he fell asleep (around 1pm).

I did the swimming laundry, wrapped up a present for a birthday party we're attending tomorrow, uploaded some photos, and will be doing the dishes next.

Dishes had to wait. I was so tired I decided to nap... right after I packed away the leftover beef dip. Isaac woke up around 3pm or so and I stayed in bed until closer to 3:30pm. Got up and got pulled over to the lego bin. Put together a few pieces, then went to do the dishes. The boy wasn't happy about that, pulled himself up to look at the counter and kitchen sink and I pointed at the dishes telling him I had to wash them. He went to his lego and destroyed my buildings while I washed the dishes.

After, I gave him a mandarin fruit cup. We'll be going to take out some garbage and out for a walk to vv. Tonight's dinner will just be baby food and leftovers.

Dinner: spaghetti, mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes and butternut squash. Me: lunch leftovers and bok choy. We'll play for a bit and try to have an earlier bedtime.

I put him in bed at 8:30pm. I think he might've fallen asleep sometime after 9pm.

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