Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Survival Test - Day 10 of 15

Just realized I miscounted the number of days... so I've corrected the post titles.

Since I was so tired last night, my recollection of the events is a bit fuzzy. He woke up at 2am and wanted to go to the potty. He actually did have to go, so that was good... He also woke up one other time, but I can't remember exactly when that was. I nursed him and let him sleep with me (well, I fell asleep). This morning, he got up at around 8:15am.

I don't have a lot planned for today. We're going to do some cleaning up; vacuum, do some garbage, etc. Time for me to get breakfast together.

Breakfast: oatmeal and mandarin fruit cup. I had a couple of eggos.

We spent the morning vacuuming. For lunch, I made some watercress and carrot soup. He's also eating some chicken from E and leftovers. I am feeling very frustrated that I can't find his water sippy cup. I know it's somewhere in this house but it's hiding somewhere. I wish that he could tell me where he put it. I have to try not to get so worked up about this since I'm sure it'll turn up sometime. In the meantime, I'll just give him water in a regular cup.

Nap started 1:38pm. The boy had a solid 2+ hour nap. He woke up and asked me for mum-mum. I took him out of his crib and he went to the kitchen and handed me one of his peach fruit cups. He seems to be in a good mood at the moment. He even requested I play the "I like to rise" song from his Zoom Zoom music album.

I'm going to take him out for a short walk, then come home and prepare dinner.

We didn't end up going out but I did make dinner (shake and bake chicken drumsticks) and we had a web chat with Daddy. I'm so thrilled I found the boy's sippy cup stuffed in his bookshelf.

After dinner, I took the boy out for a short walk. After we came home, I gave him some mommy milk, brushed his teeth, read him stories (Mr. Brown can moo, can you? Llama llama red pajama; and Good night little bunny).

I tried to get him to say the colours in Brown bear, brown bear what do you see? but he wasn't interested. Something I noticed is when I ask him what colour something red is, he says it's green. Could he be red-green colour blind!? I'll have to test this out if I can't teach him to identify red objects. He seems to recognize green, blue, brown, pink, yellow, orange. I'll try to work on the colours more. Maybe I'll do a colour theme day and let him finger paint with the colour and point out everything that is around the house with that colour.

As I red Llama llama red pajama to Isaac, I explained what was going on in the pictures as well as just reading the text. I pointed out that Mama llama had to go do dishes while the baby llama goes to bed. When I put him into his bed (a bit after 9pm), he didn't ask to go potty tonight. I asked him if mama can go do dishes, and he nodded so I tucked him in and left. He turned on his aquarium, but I haven't heard a peep from him since I finished the dishes.

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