Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tiring Day

Today just seems a bit trying. We got up at 7:12am. I wanted to go back to sleep but he didn't let me this morning. He played for a bit and did some painting with a couple of paint brushes, then we had breakfast. (Isaac just finished his last box of oatmeal.) I had some Eggo's, then put Isaac on the potty. We rushed out to class. I didn't bother hunting for a parking spot, so today I parked upstairs. There were lots of spots there.

Creative movement class was good. Isaac seemed to have a good time. After class, we returned our books and videos and picked up some new books and a video Kiki's Delivery Service. We stopped by at Value Village on the way home and I picked up some Lego dragon figures and a small bag of the regular lego pieces.

It was a bit after 12 when we got home. I washed the dragons and the boy tried to feed them food from his toy kitchen. I didn't think I'd have time to make Isaac lunch so I gave him an avocado and a yogurt. After, I heated up the salmon and rice leftovers for myself. Isaac had some bites of the salmon also. We watched the beginning of Kiki's. At 1:30pm, I tried to put Isaac down for a nap since he was looking extremely tired. He fought it like made, then demanded to go to the potty.

I put him on the toilet, then called the post office to check if my parcel was available (and it was). I bundled Isaac up and we went to the post office. As soon as the car left our parking lot, the boy was fast asleep. I left him in the car and ran in to pick up my package. Then I also picked up a small bag of honey mandarin.

We came home and I had to lug the boy up from the parking lot. I didn't want to make two trips, so I struggled to carry him and the other items up. I put the boy in his crib. Now it's time for me to wash my lego and check out my package. The parcel came from England - it's an Ebay item of duplo furniture. I'm going to take a nap too (if I can).

Isaac napped for about 3 hours. We got up at 5:30pm. Dinner ended up being late - around 6:30-7:30pm. I made soup noodles with soft tofu, chicken balls, snap peas, and 2 types of mushrooms. I was going to make Shake & Bake chicken... but it didn't happen. Maybe I'll try to make it tomorrow morning so that we'll have a lunch when we're at our playgroup.

I finally put Isaac into his crib at 10p. He didn't seem to want to sleep but I think he's out now. I'm going to take my shower and reheat some of the dinner to snack on. I hope our schedule will be more normal tomorrow.

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