Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just A Typical Day

Today we had Creative Movements class.  It was pretty good, Isaac was doing more of the actions with the songs (though there are still a number of songs he's not interested in).  A new one he participated in involved running and stopping when the instructor calls out "Stop".  A lot of times when he didn't care about a song, he would try to hang off the "ballet bars" on the sides of the room, or try to run out of the room.  There was a girl playing with a folding chair and decided to head-butt into her.  I'm not sure why he did it but I stepped in to pull him away.

After class, I gave him a snack and we stopped by Cobbs to pick up a tomato and cheese roll and some vegetables and a lemon from Kins market.  I went to Indigo books to pick up a sticker book I ordered (the stickers are for the birthday party loot bags), stopped by the bank, then ordered takeout lunch.  As we waited at the restaurant for our food, Isaac started fussing and arching his back in the stroller.  He fell asleep immediately after.  It was almost as if he was trying to fight against sleep.

When we got home, I was able to transfer him to his crib.  He had a 2 hour nap.  When he woke up, I let him eat more of his Cobbs bread, and gave him some steamed rolls (Shanghai).  We took out the garbage and I gave him some yogurt to tide him until dinner.  After he got his bath.

For dinner I had planned to bake some salmon... but it was still frozen, so resorted to baking chicken wings.  We also had asparagus and rice.  The boy had some chicken and butternut squash.

After deciding for awhile, I went ahead and bought a couple of duplo bridges for our train tracks off UK Amazon.  It's much more expensive trying to buy it from Ebay.  I'm interested to see if I can make any neat track layouts with these added to the mix.  I'll probably get some more straight tracks from Lego.

I started putting him to bed earlier tonight (around 7:30pm).  He was asleep by 8:30pm.  Tomorrow we're having our friends come over to play.

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