Sunday, February 20, 2011

Doctor's visit

This morning Isaac woke up at 5am. I took him to the potty then brought him back to bed with me. I think he fell asleep again, but I'm not sure since I was tired. He was up at some point, and I got up at about 8am.

We had breakfast, then I got Isaac ready to go out to see the doctor. We got there right when the office was supposed to open, but there were already 7 people ahead of us. I guessed that it might be a hour before we could get into a room. It's incredibly stressful waiting because there's nothing to keep Isaac entertained. I took him to Zellers to walk around and look at toys. That took up about 30-40 minutes. After that I tried to keep Isaac in the waiting area with snack bribes. He still insisted on "Mama Go!"... but there was only one person ahead of us now and I didn't want to lose our spot and wait behind another patient.

I let him go up and down the elevator one more time, then headed back to the waiting area. The boy who's ahead of us was still in the waiting area. Isaac saw the boy drinking water from a paper cup and he wanted to do that too. So I let him have some drinking water from the Dr's office. That kept him amused until we were let into a room.

There we waited and waited... for at least 30-40 minutes. It was brutal. Isaac was hungry, tired, and screaming to leave. We finally got to see the Dr. and I can see why it takes so long... he likes to chit-chat! He thinks it could be fungal or eczema on his arms. Blah blah blah, I told him that the hydrocortisone wasn't very effective and the canesten wasn't controlling it well, though the Lotriderm was pretty effective. After he examined Isaac, I also wanted him to examine my nipples to see if I have thrush. But that required me to change and the doctor to bring in a receptionist to "chaperone" the examination (since this is the policy of the walk-in-clinic). I was changed in no time flat, but the Doctor was off seeing another patient. More screaming ensued, this time louder and more upsetting then previously. I feel sorry for the receptionist. She held Isaac as he screamed (hopefully not directly into her ears).

After my examination, I quickly got changed and we had to wait for the Doctor to confirm our prescription over the phone with someone (his supervisor?). When Isaac saw that we weren't leaving yet, he was in total hysterics. When the Doctor came back, he smartly left the door open since closing it prompted Isaac to scream louder. Isaac said bye through his tears and gasping.

I dropped off our prescription at the pharmacy and found that the doctor forgot to give us a refill prescription of Lotriderm even though he verbally said he would. I had to go back and wait for him to write us a note (in between him seeing other patients). But he also forgot to write down Isaac's name on his note... but this time, the pharmacy just called in to confirm it for us. She told me that it would be at least a few minutes (but I was pretty sure that it would take more time since they have to also catch the doctor between patients)... so we went to the bakery to pick up a couple of buns to eat.

Isaac had 1/2 a pineapple bun and some egg custard tart while I talked to a Japanese granny sitting on the bench with us. She seemed like a sweet happy old lady - she's turning 88 in May and has 4 sons and a daughter, 3 sisters and a brother. Then we took a quick walk at Toys R Us and went back to pick up Isaac's prescription from the pharmacy. The pharmacist said that they didn't have any small tubes of Lotriderm, but had a big one. Our prescription note didn't include an amount, so the pharmacist assumed that we would need a small tube. I was able to get the big tube though. It was quite pricey, but it's something that I feel Isaac needs. They were unable to fill my prescription. It was almost 2pm when we finally left the mall. Isaac fell asleep on the way home. I don't have enough energy to go and fill my prescription. Maybe we'll do that tomorrow... or I'll just use some of Isaac's creams. The Doctor said it would be ok to use a little as long as I wasn't feeding him directly after applying it.

That was our morning. I'm tired, hungry and stressed out. On the upside, I did end up winning an ebay auction for a junction/points duplo track. I'm still bidding on one more of those pieces from the same seller. Two pieces would let you form nicer track layouts... though I would need some more pieces. There's no rush on that for now.

I was meaning to clean up the house before Daddy got back, but I'm too tired to do anything right now. I think I'll eat and nap. I hope Daddy has a safe flight back home.

Our afternoon/evening schedule was a bit messed up with the meal times. Isaac woke up after about 1.5 hours. I gave him some bbq pork bun, then we walked through Value Village and went to McDonalds. I had my usual order, and got Isaac a McNugget happy meal. He seems to like the sweet and sour sauce. He ate 2 pieces of the McNuggets and had some apple juice. I ate his fries, remainder of his McNuggets and my burger. He kept walking along the bench to check out what other people were doing on the other side of the divider.

After, we came home and I gave him a yogurt. Then we went out grocery shopping. I want to attempt making a fondant but didn't have any ingredients on hand (except the salt). I was going to bake something tonight, but it's almost 11pm now and would be extremely late if I started now. I'm still considering it though since I don't feel sleepy yet.

I spent the last hour going through a pile of our old mail, take-out menus, coupons, etc. I was excited to find two cheques I haven't cashed in yet! I guess that will help offset some of my ebay purchases.

Time to look over the cake recipe and see if I'm in the mood to bake it now.

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