Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fear Of Water

This morning we had swimming lessons. This instructor really tries to get the toddlers to be independent in the water, but Isaac doesn't seem ready. Most of the other kids are able to hold onto a float toy without being held by their parents... while Isaac struggles to cling to me if he remotely detects me loosening my hold on him. It's funny that he always seems to look forward to going to class, but when he's there he's scared. I'm not sure if I should go during public swim times just to give him more chances to get more comfortable in the water... or whether that would scare him more. I think I'll have to ask our instructor for her opinion next class.

This morning the boy got up at 6am. I was up with him for a bit (took him to the potty), left him some snacks (1/2 pineapple bun, some cheerios, elmo cereal and water), then went back to bed. Sometime after 7am, he trying to sit and bounce on me. I got up when he asked to go to the potty again.

I fed him breakfast - mixed grains and a mandarin fruit cup. I had 1/2 a pineapple bun and 2 pieces of chocolate chip Eggos. I put him on the potty again then we got ready to go to class. We got there early and there was plenty of parking. Swimming class was ok, Isaac was able to hold onto the "marshmallows" - floating barbells all by himself. He was freaked out and not very happy about it though. It would be easier if he could relax a little. He didn't want to jump into the water. The part of class he seems to like is the beginning where we walk down the steps directly into the shallow end of the water, he gets to walk around there, and we sing a song. Next class we're going to the adult pool. The instructor suggests bringing an extra shirt for the kids to have on top to keep warmer.

After class, I changed Isaac and stuck him into G's stroller. Then I got changed. We left the parking lot at 10:17am. When we got home, Isaac was looking a bit drowsy. I gave him a bath and he seemed to perk up with energy again. Lunch was left overs: soup and noodles, and some salmon. I left an episode of Word World from our PVR on for him to watch, then went to take a shower. He checked on me a couple times at the beginning then disappeared. He came back him to see when I'd start drying my hair, then left when he saw the hair dryer.

When I came out of the washroom, I saw that he ripped out a page from the "Paint with Water" book (, he actually did a great job ripping it out, the picture was completely intact). He had the page on his easel and there was a piece of masking tape stuck on his easel also - though the tape was all mangled, I'm surprised he was able to rip it off the roll). Normally I'll tape a piece of paper onto his easel for him to paint on... I guess he was trying to set it up for himself. He asked to do some painting, but I told him that he had to nap first. Gave him mommy milk and put him to bed. I just started the laundry, and am eating the remainder of the leftovers.

This afternoon, I'll give him a snack, maybe we'll do one painting, then we'll go out for a short walk. We're heading to Auntie K's for dinner. I should probably bring something over, but I'm not sure what yet.

Here's the painting Isaac made today:

I brought over 3 pieces of cake from Michele's. Isaac and G played for a bit before dinner. We had spaghetti with celery, carrots, meat sauce and some chicken. By the end of the evening, Isaac was starting to go a little crazy. We got home a little before 8pm and I started Isaac's bedtime routine immediately when we got home. He's currently in bed, but definitely not asleep yet.

Tomorrow morning, I think we'll be hanging out at Lansdowne mall to see a Dr. I want to get his toes checked. I think he has some sort of fungal infection on his feet.

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