Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Toddler Food Poisoned

At around 3:30am we hear sounds of gurgling... Isaac is standing up in his crib retching.  There is a putrid sweet smell beside my bed.  After several bouts of vomiting, he seems to be doing ok - though he's wide awake right now.  I'm hoping it gets through his system soon.  Daddy seems similarly afflicted.  It must've been something they both ate (we're suspecting the mango).

We stripped down his crib and clothes.  Two clothing changes later, we are sitting in front of the tv watching some Word World.  It seems like each time he lies down he throws up.  He doesn't want any water and seems fearful of vomiting.

I definitely need to pick up some pedialyte for him tomorrow.  I hope his system settles down soon!  I'll try to keep him hydrated and if he's still throwing up after 3 days or if he seems dehydrated, we'll take him in to see a doctor.

I guess tomorrow we'll have something easy on the tummy like congee.

At around 5:30am, we were able to get Isaac back to bed.  He spent part of the night with us in our bed.  Up a bit after 8am.  He asked for lots of water.  Then he needed to sit on the potty for awhile.

He seems relatively happy.  We'll see how the rest of the day goes.  Running on low sleep may be difficult.

Isaac just got a package from Toys R Us this morning at 8:40am.  Not sure who it's from.  I'll have to open it later to check.

More diarrhea and another bout of vomiting... but at least it was in the bathroom this time so it's easier to clean up.  I gave the boy a bath afterwards and he's drinking some Gatorade right now.  Laundry laundry laundry.  I think we have 3 loads to do.  I just started one.  We'll also need to use the steam vacuum on the carpets... though I suspect that he'll still throw up some more before the day is through.

He gulped down the Gatorade and is asking for more.  I'm not sure if I should give him more - though it does help replace some of the electrolytes he's lost.  Isaac is playing and seems happy (except when he throws up).  Daddy is still feeling sick and is resting in bed.

- I took out the garbage, disinfected the kitchen sink, and both bathrooms.  2 Loads of laundry done, 1 to go.

I heated up some chicken noodle soup and gave some to the boy but he couldn't stomach it.  It came back up...  But he does seem to be tolerating Gatorade in small doses.

I put Isaac down for a nap at 1pm.  Then I ordered myself some lunch and went to pick up my order and stop by the grocery store.  I got Daddy some more Gatorade, and I got Isaac some pedialyte freezer pops and apple flavoured pedialyte.  Hopefully he will like one of them.  I also ordered a congee for them.  I stopped by Value Village on my way home and picked up a couple of building toys (one is for me and one is for the boy) and a turtle step-stool.  Since he needs to spit and wash his hands more, it'll be easier for me to stand on a stool instead of lifting him up to the sink.

Just got home.  Both Daddy and Isaac are still napping.  Now it's a race against time for me to eat lunch and try to have a short nap before Isaac gets up.  Oh no, I hear some movement from the crib.  I hope he keeps sleeping!!

Almost done lunch... and they're still sleeping.  Phew!  It would be perfect if the wash finishes soon so that I can load the dryer then take a nap.

On the weekend, I checked the weather forecast and Wednesday is predicted to be a beautiful day.  I had been hoping to take Isaac to the fair again but in light of the current situation, he will be staying home for the next few days.  Sounds like the washer has stopped.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little guy! And M too!
    Hope they both feel better very soon. It's a good thing that you didn't get sick. Isaac needs to be up and about for his bday!
