Monday, July 25, 2011

12 Days

It's been a busy day.

Last night Isaac was up at around 3:30am.  I took him to the potty and tried to get him to go back to sleep.  He asked to go to the potty again 2 additional times.  Back to sleep a bit after 4am.  He got up at 7:30am!

I woke up this morning with what felt like a swollen throat.  It was uncomfortable swallowing water.  I think it must be allergies.  I had the fan on last night since it was warm, and that probably stirred up all the dust.  The first thing I did this morning was dust part of the blinds in our room.  Isaac tried to help.

A bit after 8am, we had breakfast.  I took Isaac to the potty, got him changed and drove to his soccer class. There is another Isaac in his class (who we met before in gymnastics last year).  There were also a couple of boys we met before from our art class.  Isaac enjoyed playing "What time is it Mr. Wolf?"  though by the third time they repeated the game, he lost interest in it and was running off.  During the class, he seemed to prefer playing with hoola hoops, bean bags, and jumping off the stage onto a big mat.  The soccer part didn't really get his attention.

After class was over, he bolted out of class and went straight for the playground.  He played there for a bit while I chatted with a couple of other parents from our class.  After we headed to Ikea.  I let him play in the kids area, then we picked up a floor lamp and a couple of storage bins.  We each had a hot dog, then we went home.  On our way back, we were stopped at a set of railroad tracks.  A LONG train was passing through, took awhile just sitting there waiting for it to pass.  Isaac didn't mind.  It would've been nicer if we were closer to the front of the line of cars so that he could get a better view of the train.

I got Isaac to help clear the toys off the floor.  I put our bed sheets into the wash, then vacuumed, then steam vacuumed.  Isaac snacked on some cheese and ham.  After, Isaac had some Mommy milk and he looked tired, but when I tried to put him down for his nap, he wouldn't sleep.   He was talking up a storm, and playing with the blankets in his crib.  Then he pretended the blankets was water spewing from his aquarium.  When the dryer finished, I made up the bed and he still didn't want to sleep.

Finally at 4pm, I decided to take him out to Value Village.  He fell asleep in the elevator as I was leaving the building.  I walked around for 1.5 hours, then went home.  I made dumplings for dinner.  I tried waking him up at 6pm, but he didn't want to get up.  So I ate my portion of dumplings.  I tried to wake him up again and threatened to eat his "mum mum", then he started whine/crying and came out to eat at 6:25pm.

I guess he's going to be up late.  I'll try putting him to bed at 9pm tonight.

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