Monday, April 11, 2011

Random Monday Notes

One accident this morning while wearing underwear.  Then a diaper leak after our gymnastics class as I was carrying him to the car.  He definitely needs a bath today.

We went to the community center early and I let Isaac play in the park for a bit.  Maybe that was a bad idea because he was tired during his class.  Gymnastics class was the same as before.  Isaac liked the free time at the start of class, but once the circle time and circuits were going on, he just wanted to leave.  I regret not registering him for the earlier class (9:00-9:45am).  That would've been better in terms of his mood and alertness.  He was rubbing his eyes and whining in class and fell asleep on the way home (at 11:30am).

When we got home, I changed his diapers and pants and put him in his crib.  I checked the mail and our gap/old navy order arrived.  Now we have lots of extra bear underwear, a pair of pajamas, a Gap cap (he outgrew his old one), and a couple pair of socks.

Not sure what to do about lunch today.  (Ham and toast with jam.  I offered left-over noodles and soup, but he didn't want it.)

Since his nap was so early, we had a good chunk of time in the afternoon to go out.  We walked to the a field and wandered around there for a bit, then continued on to the library.  He played in the water fountain (it was empty - they don't turn on the water until summer), then we walked to the playground.  We looked for bunnies but didn't find any today.  Stopped back by the playground, then onward to the library.  I let him run around by himself as I chatted with one of the moms I met from a program we were in last term.  We're going to meet up for a play-date sometime.  Isaac came back a few times, then disappeared.  I couldn't find him in the kids area so I looked around and found him at the front messing with a sign.  I hope he didn't leave the library without me.

After the library, we went to the mall.  I got Isaac a ham and cheese roll and picked up an apple, pear, and some mushrooms.  Then we cut through City Hall and stopped by Value Village on our way home.  We got back home at 5:30pm.

We're ordering some take-out for dinner.

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