Sunday, November 20, 2011

Night Owl

Saturday - we went swimming in the morning.  Had dim sum for lunch.  No nap.  At 5pm, the boy looked like he was going to fall asleep sitting up.  I tried to keep him up, but let him go to bed.  Only he didn't want to sleep.  Screaming and crying.  No nap.

We had dinner and he fell asleep at 6pm.  It was a restless sort of sleep.  He kept waking up and was whiny   and needy.  I tucked him in several times.  I changed his diaper twice.  I fed him penguin crackers twice and another time I fed him some left-over chicken pot pie.  At midnight he got up.

Here we are... almost 1am.  Isaac is playing (World of Goo) on the iPad while I sit here typing.  The boy does NOT look sleepy one bit.  I think I'm going to turn out the lights and go to bed.  Maybe he'll decide that he wants to sleep too.

Not sure what we'll be doing tomorrow.


  1. what are penguin crackers? Are they the same as animal crackers?

  2. Penguin crackers are like fish crackers. Just a different animal shape. :)
