Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend Activities

Friday night we ordered Indian food takeout.  We augmented the dinner with some Louisiana M&M chicken wings.  They were a bit spicy so I started dipping the chicken in yogurt for Isaac and he seemed to enjoy that.

Swimming class on Saturday morning was good.  Isaac participated in a song, he also blew bubbles and dipped his ears in the water.  We saw a black baby rabbit nibbling on some broccoli and carrots outside of the aquatic centre.  After class we wanted to go to the public works open house event... so we got there early and parked out in front.  It started raining (which made it less desirable to attend the outdoor event), but the deciding factor was that Isaac fell asleep.  We went home instead... but was unsuccessful trying to transfer Isaac from the car to bed.  He woke up and had some blackforest ham, bologna and cheese rolled up together.

At dinner, we ordered some take out from Gingeri.  Daddy made some rice and broccoli.  I reminded Isaac about the rabbit eating broccoli and Isaac decided to eat some broccoli too.

Last night a couple of hours after I had put Isaac to bed, I heard him cry/whine about something then fell back asleep.  Since he didn't seem distressed, I didn't go check up on him.  When I went to bed, I found him sleeping on the floor.  I guess he must've fallen out of our bed and settled himself back to sleep on the floor.

He mostly prefers sleeping in a bed instead of his crib.  There are still some occasional times when he asks to sleep in his crib, but mostly he likes being able to get out of bed whenever he wants.  He was up by 6:30am and played with his lego train and tracks this morning.  After, I gave him some mandarin oranges and half a glass of milk with chocolate syrup (because he won't drink plain milk).

I let Isaac open up the Lego Duplo 5641 Busy Garage set I had stashed in the closet.  I bought it back in January when it went was on sale (50%off) on the lego website.  Isaac and Daddy played with the new cars and attached some of the train-cars to the cars.

Sunday afternoon, we stopped by Old Navy to look for some jeans.  We ended up picking up a Curious George t-shirt for Isaac.  He also got a bruise on his cheeks from bumping into a table in the store.  We went out for dinner at a sushi restaurant.  Isaac didn't want to sit still in his chair (he was in a regular adult chair).  The restaurant was pretty empty since most people were probably at home watching the hockey game.

We put Isaac to bed earlier tonight (at around 7pm).  It still ended up taking awhile for him to get settled in bed.  I let him sleep on the bed but he kept running out of the bedroom.  I ended up putting him in his crib and holding his hands through the rails until he fell asleep at 8:13pm.

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