Friday, September 3, 2010

Poop Potty Training

We've had a Baby Bjorn potty chair for awhile and have gotten Isaac to sit on it but hasn't been too successful for us.  Over the last weekend, we picked up a Prince Lionheart Weepod.  The seat was easy to install and doesn't wiggle around when Isaac sits on it.

At the beginning of the week, I waited for grunting cues then rushed him onto the seat.  The first time we used it on Sunday, I missed the start part of it but we got most of it in the toilet... So I'll count that as success!  Monday was a disaster for training since I was in bed all day recovering from a painful clogged duct.  

The next few times seemed to be hit and misses.  Either he already pooped into his diaper (then I'd just empty the contents into the potty to show him where the poop goes) or he decided he didn't want to go.

He didn't want to stay on the seat at first or if he would try to pull off all the toilet paper, mess with stuff on the counter, and try to flush the toilet.  I resorted to bribing him to sit there with treats... but it seemed unhygienic.  I found one of my old necklaces with beads for him to play with and it seems to be working so far.

It's weird to be excited about poop but the last three days have been fantastic!  This morning I was able to put Isaac onto his potty seat at his typical pooping time without waiting for grunt cues and he pooped after a short time.  He loves flushing the toilet afterwards.

We'll have to see how the it goes.  I think he's starting to get the idea.


  1. Good luck. Potty training is a long road. My son was potty trained at a little over 2 years. Was great for a year. Then went through a total regression. And is now potty trained again. With my daughter (who turns 2 next month) I've decided to be a lot more chill about it. I realize it's a long road and knowing that I'm a lot less stressed.

  2. Yes, I think it's going to take awhile. We have days of success then a bunch of setbacks. Yesterday wasn't great, today was so-so. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. I know he's not quite ready for it, but I want him to get used to the idea and hope that it somehow becomes a habit. If he starts protesting a lot, I'll have to take a break and try again. For now, we're just keeping at it.
