Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cutting naps

It seems that Isaac is starting to cut naps on some days.  He went napless on Saturday and again today.  I was able to put him to bed extra early today (asleep by 6:30pm instead of the usual 9pm).  I don't really know why he's cutting his nap... maybe I just missed the timing since he was looking quite sleepy a bit earlier but I wanted him to eat lunch before his nap.

I know that there are a number of kids his age that have already cut their naps, but I think he generally needs his nap still.  He's much less agreeable in the evening when he doesn't get a nap.

Today, I took Isaac to a Strong Start class.  First we had some gym time, then free play, circle time, snacks, he wasn't interested in reading time, but listened in on the story time at the end.  For snack time, they served crackers, cheese, oranges and apples.  Isaac really loved eating the cheddar cheese.  He kept asking for more but didn't touch any of the other stuff.  I was hoping that taking him to school would help to burn off his energy so that he'd nap... but I couldn't get him down after trying for an hour.  I left him at home with Daddy and went to do a blood test.

It looks like one of Isaac's 2-year molars has finally broken through and is coming in at the back.  3 more to go.  I haven't noticed any teething symptoms this time.  Then again, the teeth seem to be coming up quite slowly.

Tomorrow we have Twos Time.  I've volunteered to help in tomorrow's class.  Hope it'll be fun.

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