Saturday, June 18, 2011

Growing and Learning: Cherishing Little Moments

Over the past week Isaac has been conquering some of his fears.  At his last Time For Fun class, he got up and joined the other kids to play with the parachute during circle time.  Normally, he's really scared and just sits with me to watch everyone else do that activity.  Also, he's been going into the shower a couple of times and doesn't mind getting water in his face.  In our swimming lesson today, he willingly dipped his nose into the water (which is also a first for him).

At the playground, Isaac raced with another kid to the slide.  When the other kid (E.) got there first, he suggested they go down the slide together.  I helped Isaac sit behind E. and they down they went.  They went on the slide again together several times.  Isaac kept asking "gether".   I think he had fun playing with E.  He also asked another mom at the park "Please" and pointed to some sand shovels and bucket before playing with them.

This morning when Isaac was helping me take out the garbage, he found a couple of baby toys in the garbage room, so I brought the back home and washed them.  One item was a Laugh And Learn activity table.  It was missing the spoon and the table legs, but seems to be working properly (and still had batteries in it).  The other toy is sort of like an infant activity cube (except it's not a cubed).  He was excited to play and figure out what each thing did.

I ordered some more duplo train switches from someone off Bricklink but with the postal strike, I don't think it'll be arriving any time soon.  No real finds from Value Village lately.

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