Friday, January 8, 2016


I was diagnosed with pneumonia on boxing day after getting chest x-rays taken at the hospital.  I took two antibiotics for a week and it helped clear up my fever and chills.  I'm still feeling out of breath and find I tire easily.  I went to a doctor to get a requisition for a follow-up chest x-ray.  The doctor says my left lobe still sounds a bit softer than the other side... so it's possible that the pneumonia hasn't cleared up yet.  He wants me to go get the x-ray today.

I'm going to get DH to drop me off at the radiology lab after we pick up the boy from school.


  1. I sure hope you are feeling better by now. I am also very thankful that you went back to the doctor. Too many people refuse to go back and then end up feeling worse. Take care of yourself by getting as much rest as you can, although that can be hard with a child.

    1. Thank you so much! I did end up recovering but it took about a month or so after starting the medication.
