Saturday, March 24, 2012

3rd Birthday Party

We had Isaac's 3rd birthday party this morning.  We packed up all the food (and a friend picked up the cake from the grocery store for us).  Our friend arrived early with the cake.  Everyone else started arriving around 10:15am or so.  There were some nets and hockey sticks, a slide, some bikes and a party assistant who helped to do some face painting, setup and cleanup.

We had the food laid out on a couple of tables: croissants, cinnamon buns, cookies, fruit platter, vegetable platter, proscuitto, salami, crackers, veggie chips, juice and water.  Snacking was "buffet style".  Some kids started out having a snack then running around the room for a bit.

We brought 2 bag of books and set them up on the bookshelf.  At first I had everyone take turns picking a book, but it was slow (and we were running out of time).  We served the cake at around 11:15am.  After, I got the parents and kids to pick out more books to bring home.  We came home with one bag of books.  I will see if there are any that Isaac likes.  The rest will be donated to the Animal Protection Society's Thrift Store.

After, lots of people helped us clean up the food.  M. moved everything to the car and we went out to the playground so that Isaac could play there for a bit.  The weather was excellent today (sunny, high 12 celsius, with a mild breeze).  We drove to meet up with one of the friends for lunch by the docks at Pajos for some fish and chips.  Isaac liked looking at the boats, water and sea gulls.

He fell asleep on the way home (2:40pm) and I had a nap when we got home.

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