Isaac fell asleep on the bus ride to the community centre. I woke up him 10 minutes before class started. Overall the class went pretty well (with the exception of incident involving Isaac pulling two of his classmates down). Isaac washed his hands and stayed sitting waiting for the class to start (I was impressed that he didn't try to get up and run all around).

After snack time, they got to try the bread pudding. It was a little soggy, but tasted ok. Isaac ate some of it in class and we brought home the left-overs so that Daddy could try some too. The trip back home was much more relaxing on an empty bus.
This evening, I was at a choir auction/rehearsal and Daddy put Isaac to bed. Isaac was a very good boy for Daddy and went to bed without a fuss.
Yesterday, we took Isaac to the planetarium (H.R. MacMillan Space Centre). Isaac had fun pressing some buttons on some of the displays (especially triggering a propeller to spin). We watched a live demonstration/talk about "A Day In Space" then we watched part of Galileo in the planetarium. He was was chatting a lot at the start of the show (and we tried to ask him to be quiet...) but once room darkened, he quieted down. We watched about half the show when Isaac declared "All Done" and got up from my lap. I didn't want to disturb the other viewers so we took him out... but as we left, he kept wanted to go back (and had a major meltdown with lots of screaming and crying). We ended up upgrading our admission ticket to a year membership. Any mention about why we left triggered another round of crying.
We got a message from our friend that they had their baby (and they invited us to visit them at the hospital). Since we were already almost downtown, we headed to the hospital to make a quick visit before heading home for lunch. Isaac conked out in the car ride to pick up lunch.
Saturday, we went to a fair so that I could get a chance to hear a choir perform. We also had a potluck dinner at Auntie E & Uncle S's house. Isaac had fun (and asked to go again the next day).
Friday, we met up with our playgroup friends and went to a gym time at a community centre. Afterwards, we played at the park for a bit. I took Isaac to Ikea for a hot dog after that. I also picked up additional little bins and a Trofast wall storage to sort and store our lego. I still don't have enough bins for each colour, but it seems to be a good size for the lego. I store the mini figures, base plates and miscellaneous pieces in one of the bigger bins. I still have some lego technic and bionicle lego pieces stashed away.
I hope tomorrow will be a semi-relaxing day to visit VV, the library, then meet up with Auntie C. and baby B at the mall.