Friday, July 2, 2010

Afternoon emergency?

My goal this afternoon was to pick up some cream of tartar, jello, paintbrushes and a toy pots and pans set for Isaac.  I left the house at 3pm and walked to the mall.  I let Isaac run around the play houses outside Toys R Us for a bit, then headed into the store to pick up the toy pot & pan set I saw there last time.  Went to Zellers to look for some paintbrushes but didn't find what I was looking for.

On our way to a grocery store, Isaac tossed his hat off somewhere.  I back-track all the way back to the mall, but didn't see his cap.  I was feeling a bit disappointed in losing his cap but still hopeful of finding it.  I bumped into one of daddies of Isaac's friends at the corner of a street.  As I was explaining my search for Isaac's hat, a stranger overhead me, and told me she found it and put it on a box.  I thanked her and went to retrieve the hat.  Had a short chat with the daddy friend and headed to the grocery store.

I just realized that I forgot to change Isaac's diaper at the mall, so I was hoping that the grocery store trip would be a short one.  Isaac was also getting a bit fussy.  At the store, we were waiting for Daddy to come and pick us up.  I had a hard time finding the cream of tartar.  Isaac started screaming and complaining.  I let him play with my phone.  The phone rang.  I picked it up.  Daddy had arrived and I let him know where to find me.  Isaac was acting up again and wanted my phone back so I let him have it.

After Daddy met up with us, I got a call from an officer... apparently Isaac called 911.  Ack!  I got a little warning and was told that a constable would be following up with me shortly.  While Daddy lined up to pay for our groceries, I took Isaac to the car and got a call from the constable.  He met up with us about 5-10 minutes later.  While it shouldn't really be a big deal, I was feeling upset and embarrassed.  I'm not giving Isaac my phone until he's old enough to use it properly.  At least I learnt that you can still dial 911 even if your phone is locked and it's easy enough for a 15 month old to call.

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