Sunday, July 24, 2011

13 Days

We dropped Daddy off at the airport then stopped by a park on our way home.  Isaac wants to go with Daddy on the plane.  When we got home, he snacked on some seaweed.  We took out the garbage and I tried to go to a garage sale.

Unsuccessful - I drove by the site, but was unable to park the car in the vicinity of the garage sale so we proceeded back home.  On our way back, Isaac fell asleep (10:20am).  It's a bit too early for a nap, but he seems to be needing an earlier nap lately.  I think I need to put him in bed earlier.  I hope he isn't too tired for his soccer class tomorrow morning.

I am watching an ebay auction and there's still over an hour left before it's over.  I have a price in mind.  There's already 9 bids on the pirate ship, and the chances of winning this auction for the price I want is quite slim.  I guess I should think about lunch while the boy's napping.

The boy's nose is stuffed up.  I try to clear it but end up waking him up.  After a tussle I get some nose drops in and was able to suction some mucous out.  A win for Mommy.  But it's a short nap and I don't think I can get him to go back to sleep.

Just under 5 minutes left for the auction.  Isaac didn't go back to sleep so I'm trying to feed him some dinner leftovers while I watch the auction.  I'm hoping I'll be able to put in a bid at the end... Someone just beat my bid by a little.  I bid 211.53 and it went for 214.03.  That one was close.  I put in my bid in the last 20 seconds and just got out-bid in the end.

Time to finish lunch and watch Cars.

Shortly after starting the Cars movie, I remembered about the Kids Safety Fair at a community centre.  I turned off the tv - and Isaac got mad.  I managed to get him into his stroller and he settled down when I opened our front door.  Just after leaving the parking lot, the boy cries "Potty".  He said it a few times, so I know he wants to go.  I ask him to try to wait until we get to the community centre.

When we got to the fair, there was blaring music and kids laughing, yelling, and having fun.  I asked if he needed to go potty and he insisted "No Potty".  Off we went to play.  First we went to the bouncy castle slide.  Then he jumped for a little on another bouncy castle.  It was empty except for Isaac.  We saw a rescue helicopter circling overhead... and it was landing!  I asked him to leave the bouncy castle and we watched the helicopter make its descent.  I thought that they would let us get up close to it again this year, but unfortunately they got called off to an emergency.  We walked around the booths collecting stickers, a pencil, magnet, whistle, safety bracelet and a frisbee.   After our walk around, he asked to go to the potty again.

I took him into the community centre and he went to the potty.  After, he played at the playground, went on the bouncy castle again and we headed back to the car.  I found a garage sale listing close by and stopped by before we went home.  I picked up a toy car ramp/garage/car wash for free.  The sounds don't work, but Isaac seems to like it.  I can give it away when we're done playing with it. :)

After a popsicle, I gave Isaac a bath and he just fell asleep for his second nap at 3:50pm.  Time to take out his diaper garbage.

Hunting around the house for the bag of Gourmet Baby...  Finally find stowed away in another bag beside Isaac's toy kitchen.  It's 5:50pm and the boy is still napping.  I will definitely need to wake him up within 10 minutes.  It'd work better if dinner was ready too.  Still waiting for the soup to boil (for chinese soup noodles).

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