Tuesday, July 26, 2011

11 Days

Why is it that on the nights I stay up late... the boy wants to get up early.  He definitely didn't get enough sleep last night since went to sleep around 10pm, woke up sometime in the middle of the night and wanted to get up at 5:30 am.  I stuck him back in his crib and closed my eyes.  When I woke up, he was still up, and he had pulled a bunch of books into his crib from the bookshelf.  (I guess I should mention that I re-arranged and cleaned part of the bedroom last night while the boy watched Cars and Wall-E.)  I let him out of his crib at 6:30am.

Since I rearranged some of his toys in the bins last night, things were different and he was playing happily by himself while I slept a bit longer.  I fed him breakfast, we took out some garbage and we dropped off a bag of my old sweaters at Value Village.  After we went to the library, art gallery, then met up with K. before her swimming class.  K. gave Isaac a kiss on the cheek before we left.  It was cute. :)  I stopped by Kins, a bakery (to get Isaac egg tarts), bank, PriceSmart (where he decided to take his nap), then just got home.

Lunch time: I think I'll make some macaroni with zucchini, mushrooms and meatballs.  I'll try to make extra so that we can have it for lunch tomorrow too.
Dinner: Shake & Bake chicken drumsticks, chinese veggies, rice.

I need to make one more garbage drop-off while he's sleeping.

I woke Isaac up from his afternoon nap and we had a late lunch.  I wanted to take Isaac to a sing a-long at the library, but he didn't want to go.  We had dinner and he's watching Cars.

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