Monday, March 14, 2011

Lego Train Set Arrived!

Yay, my new deluxe lego duplo train set arrived by courier this afternoon.  The box is sitting on our living room floor.  I don't know if we should open it now or wait until Isaac's birthday.  It comes with a lot of track some unique pieces (like a conveyer belt) and a battery powered train.

Isaac's latest obsession with Totoro hasn't faded yet.  He always asks to watch Totoro every day.  He's even starting to say "Totoro" very clearly now - instead of just referring to the little girl in the show, "May".  I'm considering getting some sort of Totoro toy for Isaac.  The problem with many Totoro toys in stores is that often they are just selling imitation copies... Usually some proportion of the Totoro features are off.  If I'm going to get a knock-off, I might as well make him one myself.  I might show Isaac another anime called Spirited Away.  It's a bit scarier than My Neighbour Totoro, so I don't know if he'd like it or not.

Yesterday while I was napping, Daddy was watching Isaac.  He took a slice of orange and tried to swallow it whole... he ended up choking and threw up.  Apparently he was ok because he wanted another slice of orange afterwards.  When I got up, I asked why the couch was wet - so Daddy told me what happened.

The last few days he seemed to be regressing a little - will sit on the potty but refused to go, and he even pooped in his diaper (even though I gave him a chance to go on the potty about 10 minutes before).  Today I made an effort to get Isaac to go the to potty more frequently (bribing him with Daddy's Totoro pull toy).  So far his diaper has been dry for the past 6 hours.

This afternoon, I tried out to make white chocolate flourless cakes.  Isaac helped with adding ingredients into various pots and bowls, and he also helped with some stirring.  When I put his "cooking table" away, he got upset (and wanted to do more cooking).  It reminded me about some cooking classes for kids I read about.  In Vancouver there are some "cooking" classes that are offered for 2-3 year olds.  There are about 10 spots per class, 10 sessions that run for 1.5 hours once a week.  If these classes are offered again in the summer or fall,  I might try to register Isaac for one.  He would have a blast!

Note to myself: I reduced the recipe for 5 servings and it was enough for about 3 mini loafs.  The cakes turn out very yellow because of the eggs.  I didn't test out the fondant recipe last week, so I will try it tomorrow.  I need to see how hard/easy it is to prepare, much it makes, how it tastes, and how tricky it is to handle.  I'm still undecided about using this cake recipe for Isaac's birthday cake.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could get Isaac a Totoro from Japan, but that is not happening anytime soon.
