Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Survival Test - Day 4 of 15

I'm feeling a bit short-tempered this morning.  The boy won't let me eat my breakfast.  We also had a minor mishap in the washroom - Isaac was acting up and squirming around and ended up falling off the potty with his mouth hitting my knee.  His teeth are still intact, and I didn't see any bleeding so it's probably sore, but he should be ok.

Breakfast: bacon, oatmeal, mandarin fruit cup.  Me... I'm still looking at my toast and bacon...

We have our first class of creative movement class this morning.  Not sure if he can stay awake for it but we'll see.  I'm still deciding if I should walk or drive.  There's snow on the ground, but it's raining.

I drove.  It was good that I did since not all of the sidewalks were cleared and I would've been late otherwise.  We returned our library books, enjoyed the creative movements class, said hi to the volunteer at the art gallery, snacked on a mandarin, picked up a cheese & tomato roll from Cobbs, bought some veggies from Kins Market, and came home.

Now we're going to watch Word World while I feed the boy some strawberry motts and let him finish his Cobbs roll.  He finished at least 3/4 of the roll. Nap at 12:57pm.  Lunch time for Mommy - shephard's pie and 2 turkey hotdogs.

After a 1.5 hour nap, the boy wanted to get up and play.  If I sit here typing, he comes to me and pulls my hand, leading me away towards his lego.  I was thinking of doing a bunch of things this afternoon, but it looks like we might just play lego instead.

We played lego, I did laundry, we went to vv.  We had a web chat with Daddy during dinner.  Isaac had some avocado, chicken, yogurt, bites of bok choy, and bites of mixed grain.  After the web chat, he played around for a little in Daddy's office, then we started our bedtime routine.

He's currently talking in his crib and seems to be testing his squeals but doesn't sound upset.  I feel a bit tired out today.  On a positive note, Isaac's diaper has been completely dry since 4pm and it's now 8:35pm.  I took him to the potty after dinner and before bed.  Now he's calling for me, so I think I'll go see what he wants.

I told the boy I'm going to take a shower (he rubbed his hair and nodded yes), and I told him he should go to sleep.  After I dried my hair, I checked on him and he was snoring away.  I think I need to put in some nose drops tomorrow.  It's 10pm and I've packed away the leftovers, washed the dishes, and tidied up the toys.  Day 4 is done.

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